Thursday, June 26, 2008

last five searches, revisited

Just to emphasize the post below, here are the last five search engine entries that lead readers to this blog, as opposed to any actual useful information about the RCs:

1. AOL search for words "Jeffrey Deen", this blog is search result #3

2. Google search for words "Jeffrey Deen, of the Fifth DCA regional", this blog is search result #3.

3. Google search for words "dependency defense". #1 result.

4. Google search for words "child abuse cases defense florida jackson flyte", this blog is #1 search result.

5. Google search for words "regional counsel jackson", this blog is #6 search result.

I'll let this theme go now. I hope I've made a point. For as long as the RCs, who I quite frankly would have been hired specifically for their abilities to innovate and make the most of technology, don't bother to establish an internet presence, their clients (and judges and opposing counsel and GALs, etc) will end up getting their information about

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