Tuesday, April 1, 2008

From our user comments in re: ethic complaint

My experience is that several hundred views of a post might yield a comment. Several hundred views of a post that really impacts readers will get a few. We got a few recently.

In any event, in case you don't read the comments to posts here, I repeat some interesting ones:

Number one:
I was informed recently by court staff that the RC for my District is telling Judges and court personnel that his office intends on representing both parents in Dependency cases. This tells me that he is trying to save his rear-end by trying to cut-out the registry attorneys entirely. Furthermore, back in November the RC was at the local FACDL meeting soliciting attorneys. He told the group that "He was the only game in town and that if you didn't sign on with him you will be left out in the cold. He also said that "Once his office gets up and running he was going to push the Legislature to reduce the flat fees for the registry appointments to prevent competition with his office."

Number two:
Fascinating is that that the ROC is greatly understaffed in Miami-Dade. I'm really surprised that the employees are willing to take this punishment. The question is for how long will the indigent clients; the workers and Florida voters accept it? People need to be informed of the abuse.

Number three:
The State may not just be looking to wipe out private attorneys from the courts, but the government may be seeking to wipe out the defense from unreasonable government intrusion. We all know that the government makes a lot of mistakes and sometimes steps out of bounds when it attempts to prosecute the laws.

Editor: Dear Number one, I feel your pain. No, that's not true. I feel the pain of a client who comes to realize that his attorney hasn't the slightest idea of what a conflict of interest is. Dear Number two, I haven't gotten word that any (ANY) of the RC offices is fully staffed many months after the RCs were appointed. That employees would be overtaxed with enormous caseloads after being promised "part-time" work and that the pay is low is no surprise. The thing to watch is whether or not lawmakers find this acceptable, and thus think it wise to drop all court-appointed counsel down to below minimum wage. Dear Number three: You are my brother (or sister, anonymous one) by another mother. You and I know that it is unwise in a free society to give power over whether or not to take children away from their parents to undertrained and undereducated young people at low salaries without any robust -- and independent from government -- counter to their enormous power. That's why I started the website in the first place.

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