Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More quo warranto writ filings online

I've taken several days off from blogging. You know how it is, between taking care of practice and family, paying attention to the Florida primary (prediction: there will be a lawsuit about those not counted Democrat delegates before it's all over), and the fact that there isn't much news about dependency defense in the past few days, I have stuck to the rule of not blogging if I don't have anything useful to say.

There are filings to read in the FACDL quo warranto action, though.

Here is a link to the State's initial brief.

Here is a link to the appendix to that brief.

Initial thoughts, not having read it all yet, is that even though the lower court's order encompassed whether or not the Regional Counsels should continue to provide not only criminal defense counsel, but dependency defense counsel, Chapter 39 is not included in the cites in the State's brief.

Stepchildren we remain. One would think that the power granted to state actors to break families apart would be at least almost as high on the list of concerns as whether or not someone might do jail time, but alas it is not so.

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