Sunday, November 25, 2007

Who is the boss of the Regional Counsels?

The Attorney General response to the FACDL's quo warranto writ, as reported in the post below, seems to establish the official response of the government of the State of Florida to the question posed in my subject line.

I ask this because I have, of course, read the legislation establishing the Regional Counsel offices. I've read it several times. I've a license to practice law, and do try to keep my reading comprehension level up to snuff, but can't figure out exactly what sort of entity the Regional Counsel offices are.

We do know, by virtue of reading the Florida Constitution, that the RC offices are not a department of the executive branch, as is, for example, the Florida Department of Education.

We also know, by virtue of reading the legislation establishing the RC offices, that they are not an Agency under the executive branch, as is, for example, Florida's Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).

I also know that, with the notable exception of Jack Flyte, the 2nd district Regional Counsel, that none of the RCs have responded in any way to any offers from the author of this blog to help them, or to requests from the author of this blog for either general information or the answers to specific questions.

Naturally, as we in Florida operate a government in the sunshine, I can submit a public records request and compel the Regional Counsels to answer questions. The problem is that I don't know to whom I might submit those requests.

If I've missed something, I am happy to humble myself and acknowledge that, so if any of you know what it is I'm missing, post a comment. To whom do I submit a public records request to get answers from the RCs?

Who supervises the five regional counsels? Is it JAC (Justice Administrative Commission)? Is it the Florida Supreme Court? Is it, as the Attorney General's filing linked in the post below seems to suggest, the various public defender offices? [ed: if you read the AG's response to the quo warranto action, you have to conclude that it is the PDs offices....but which one?]

Who is the direct supervisor of the following?
1st District: Jeffrey Lewis
2nd District: Jackson Flyte
3rd District: Joseph George
4th District: Philip Massa
5th District: Jeffrey Deen

Despite a keen interest and asking around quite a bit and having people come to me for the answer to the question, I simply don't know.

Do you?


- said...

It appears the Regional Counsel are state employees and accountable only to the Florida legislature (by virtue of their Senate confirmation). As for a public records request, it is unlikely the Regional Counsel have designated public records staff so it would make sense to personally serve the public records request upon the Regional Counsel.

ArrMatey said...

Thanks for your thoughts. You are right about the public records request, but when public servants are unresponsive to stakeholders like you and I, what else is there to do?