Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Genius is common if you allow yourself to see it

All I can say is hit this link and read the whole thing.

The reason you want to is hinted at in this quote:

"I've been througheverything. At first I hated it and I would cry and I would be like, 'Oh why me God, why did everyone get to have their parents and normal lives and do normal things,'" he said.

"After a while it just hit me that he is putting me in this position to help other people," he added.

His determination to be heard is what brought him to the attention of George Sheldon, assistant secretary for Florida's Department of Children & Families, which oversees the foster care system.

They met at a conference for foster children and their advocates in Tampa, during a discussion about how to find runaway foster children.

Coffman felt the focus was misplaced.

"After about 20 minutes, Devan raised his hand and suggested that it might be a good idea if we started looking at all the reasons the kids were running away in the first place," Sheldon said.

Really, read the whole thing.

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