Saturday, August 22, 2009

Lawyer for Rifqa Bary's Mother Reacts to Governor Crist's Statement

The Governor's unfortunate decision to make a public statement taking sides in the Rifqa Bary case before any evidence other than allegations has been presented underscores the need to return this case to the child's home state of Ohio. Governor Crist stated that he was “grateful” that the judge ruled a specific way and in support of his “administration's position”. The entire Bary family has already been exploited by those who recklessly wish to force this case into a clash of religions, and now by the Governor's statement the Bary family's case has become a political matter as well.

Given that the Regional Counsel responsible for defending Mr. Bary is a political appointee of Governor Crist, a public statement of the Governor's pleasure with a specific ruling in the case is not appropriate. Now the Barys can only conclude that chances for impartiality and straight-forward dealings with DCF are slipping away.


robert said...

A dependency blog breakout session? I'm in, unless your plan is to jump me (as bloggers are known to do).

just say when and where.

robert said...

i will post an (un)official announcement for the dependency blogger breakout on my blog. i'm thinking thursday at the 4-4:15 break, and it can spill into session E if need be.

maybe someone will come and be mad at us for something we wrote about them. that would make blogging finally worthwhile.