Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Link to global revolution church audio anticipation of my appearance tomorrow on Fox and Friends. The link below demonstrates several things that I will argue in court, and not here (at least not now), but I want to present some basis for my claim that it appears that the Global Revolution Church renamed Rifqa Bary "Anna" during the 2.5 weeks that they had her in Florida.

Note also the simple act of Ohio police questioning a man in Kansas City in an honest attempt to locate a missing teenager (by the way, it worked, the Kansas City man apparently somehow knew that the child was with the Lorenz family and tipped them off that the police had questioned him) is portrayed by the pastor as "illegal" and as persecution.

Note also the emphasis on surrounding "Anna" with people telling stories about honor killings. How much of this did she hear in that 2.5 weeks?

Link is below. Admittedly, it is edited. The full sermon audio is on the church's website. I edited it for time and to focus on the things described above, but not to change the meaning of anything said in the full context.


[update: If clicking on the link doesn't work, cut and paste the url below to download audio:]

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